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All Services & Fees

Birth Doula Services

As your Birth Doula, I will meet with you in person at least twice during your pregnancy. During those sessions, we can discuss what labour looks like and how you can find comfort to manage the early sensations. How you might like your environment to look or feel, where you'd prefer to give birth. We can discuss pain relief and use evidence-based information to help you decide what interventions are right for you and your growing family. We can cover life after birth, what considerations you might make for sharing your home with a whole new human! And how you'll feed, clean and soothe your baby and yourselves and each other.

I offer regular online check ins from the time of booking, as well as email and message support. From 38 weeks, I will be on-call for you day and night. I can come to your home in early labour and provide practical, physical and emotional support. When you are ready to move to your chosen birthing place, I will help with that process and give suggestions to you, and your partner that might maintain the smooth flow of your labour.

I don't give advice and I don't perform any medical procedures. But evidence has shown that the support of a Doula can provide a continuity of care that makes a difference to the physical, psychological and emotional outcomes for both parents and babies.

Birth Doula Fees

Save £70

Birth Doula Fees

Standard Birth Package


2 x Antenatal sessions

Labour, Birth

1 x Postnatal session

1 x Feeding support visit

Phone, email, messaging support from booking to 6 weeks after your birth

Enhanced Birth Package


Standard Birth Package support


1 x Postnatal Planning Session

1 x Pregnancy or Postnatal massage

Deluxe Birth Package


Enhanced Birth Package support


1 x Pregnancy or Postnatal massage

2 x Baby massage session

Save £40

Postnatal Doula Services

As your Postnatal Doula, I can assist you in many ways. In a practical way with help around your home or meal planning and prep, holding space for you to find your feet and holding baby when you need to take care of yourself. I can be a compassionate listening ear for your birth story, help you to work through any issues you might currently be experiencing and prepare you for any future challenges that you might be mulling over. I can offer evidence-based information to help you make informed parenting decisions and offer tips and tricks to ensure that you are feeling more confident and secure as you navigate your way through the early months of life with a baby. 

I am a trained Infant Feeding Peer Supporter and no matter how you choose to feed your baby, I can help you to learn the basics and support you through the tougher feeding times. As well as signposting you to accessible lactation advice.

My support is available from birth, but some people like to book me while they are still pregnant and that way they get the benefit of a Postnatal Planning Session, which has the power to make everyone's lives easier in those early weeks.

I don't give advice and I don't perform any medical procedures. But evidence has shown that the support of a Doula can provide a continuity of care that makes a difference to the physical, psychological and emotional outcomes for both parents and babies.

Postnatal Doula Fees

Postnatal Doula Fees

Ad-hoc Bookings


Minimum 2 hrs per session

Block Booking 20+ hours


Minimum 2 hrs per session

Postnatal Planning Session

£125 - 2 hours

A facilitated session for expectant parents to workshop strategies for the immediate to medium term postnatal period. 

Block Booking - birth client


Minimum 2 hrs per session

All Block Bookings placed during pregnancy include a Postnatal Planning session
Massage Services

Massage Services

Massage helps with recovery, self-care, and increased blood-flow. Our experienced massage therapists will tailor their massage techniques to your specific needs, helping to reduce pain, tension, and inflammation, while promoting relaxation and improved wellbeing.

You can receive the massage in the comfort of your own home, safe in the knowledge that you will experience a caring, professional service tailor made to meet your needs.

Massage and soothing strokes have been proven to increase the flow of healthy hormones like oxytocin and endorphins which will leave you feeling renewed and replenished. 

Massage Fees

Massage Fees

Swedish Massage


Pregnancy Massage 


Block of 6 OR Birth/PN client


If a Doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it

John H Kennel MD.

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